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zonemotors Most users ever online was 150,759 on 9/11/14.
Comet McNaught
Wallpaper Description:
Comet McNaught, also known as the Great Comet of 2007 and given the designation C/2006 P1, is a non-periodic comet discovered on August 7, 2006 by British-Australian astronomer Robert H. McNaught. It was the brightest comet for over 40 years, and was easily visible to the naked eye for observers in the Southern Hemisphere on January and February 2007. With an estimated peak magnitude of -6.0, the comet was the second brightest since 1935. Around perihelion on January 12, it was visible worldwide in broad daylight. Its tail measured an estimated 35 degrees in length at its peak.
Uploaded by ramyadevims on
Dec 19, 2009 .
Comet McNaught - Desktop Nexus Space
Download free wallpapers and background images: Comet McNaught. Desktop Nexus Space background ID 245756. Comet McNaught, also known as the Great Comet of 2007 and given the designation C/2006 P1, is a non-periodic comet discovered on August 7, 2006 by British-Australian astronomer Robert H. McNaught. It was the brightest comet for over 40 years, and was easily visible to the naked eye for observers in the Southern Hemisphere on January and February 2007. With an estimated peak magnitude of -6.0, the comet was the second brightest since 1935. Around perihelion on January 12, it was visible worldwide in broad daylight. Its tail measured an estimated 35 degrees in length at its peak.
Rating: 4.3
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Wallpaper Statistics
Total Downloads: 748
Times Favorited: 6
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Date Uploaded: December 19, 2009
Original Resolution: 1920x1200
File Size: 248.16KB
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